
Some early year ruminations.

West Sunshine, 2020-01-09 17:05:05
I am no fan of best of lists or end of year lists at all.

I will never write about gear. I envy after several pieces of kit. But they are all mostly on the 2nd hand market these days.

I write here for two reasons, to practice my writing skills, both generally and as I consider my PHD application at some point in the future. Oh and to showcase some of the work I am working on. This image to the right is from my ongoing Sunshine Project, on tumblr
Here’s a list of projects I am working on as they're called these days:-

  • Sunshine, postcode 3020 and its changes using both film and digital, the film idea is titled  'Sunshine in Silver Stanza 1 though X', the digital work lives online on tumblr [pc3020.tumlr.com]. For now.
  • Several photobooks in various stages of pre-prodcution and a handful completed listed on my main website a link will be added once my technological issues are resolved.
  • Collage and montage projects, these have just this year begun. After many years of gestation. The plan is for them to be small cheap 6x 4 postcards.
  • A small group of pictures currently titled ‘A Winter Mornings Walk’, inspired by Robert Adams’ work Summer nights. [silver gelatin a work in progress final size to be determined]
  • A series of silver gelatin prints I have printed and exhibited twice called Maps.
  • A series of silver gelatin prints about bridges all shot on 5x4 film and more than 20 years unfinished.
  • A series of silver gelatin prints on the urban landscape from both 5x4 film and 120 film black and white.
  • A small type C print series of pictures near on and around the Ring road M8 freeway, in progress.
  • Two  of tumblrs that explore time and place one at work  the other at home as well as a tumblr of pictures uploaded on the the fly that are loosely curated in any order that suits, the only connection being visual from picture to picture
  • A large box of polaroids that needs editing down to a book.
  • One tentative exhibition has been proposed but is still in the verbal discussion phase.
  • Working on the South Eastern fringes of the Mallee, and the rural towns in-between
  • C Roads and other Adventures a digital psychogeographic exploration of Victoria, or anywhere else I wander with "purpose" 
  • Pictures of nothing or as I like to call it Neo-Documentary

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